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  • 广东英国商会 The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

    The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an independent international organisation in China, helping members with business development. BritCham has offices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. BritCham organises many business events from training, seminars and workshops to networking and business referrals events. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential chambers in the PRD.
  • 丛林电音

    创⽴于2015年6⽉,丛林⽂化是从年轻视⻆出发专注于创造⻘年 ⽂化潮流的领先品牌。通过打造世界级娱乐现场与⼤型事件构建最令年轻群体兴奋的流⾏消费场景。 ⽬前,丛林⽂化已经迅速发展为集⼤型现场演出,艺⼈经纪,演出经纪,数字舞美,媒体平台,事件营销等业务于⼀身,中国最具影响⼒的综合性⻘年⽂化传媒公司之⼀。丛林⽂化以成就让当代⻘年⾃豪的⽂化内容为愿景。将⼀如既往地通过宣导优秀⻘年⽂化以及⾰新现场互动娱乐于艺术创作,传播与推动属于时代的⻘年流⾏⽂化。