
Visual Thinking 改变原有的低效思维模式——体验视觉思维的创新风暴

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 27 Sep 2018 21:00:00 GMT+08
Knowsone Edu


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    Do you often get caught up in messy work? Or is it organized, efficient and easy to complete?

    When having a long and unproductive meeting, is everyone just making a linear list of everything or a clear and concise explanation?

    After a long conversation deviated from the topic, still getting confused or problem solved?

    In the scene of a lot of information and a lot of chores, how can we eliminate the complexity, handle affairs in an orderly way, and present a calm and mature working image?

    Learn some skills of visual thinking can make our thinking more orderly, and finally improve the efficiency and innovation of the work execution process.






    Visual thinking is a way to organize your thoughts and improve your ability to think and communicate. It’s a great way to convey complex or potentially confusing information.It’s also about using tools — like pen and paper, index cards and software tools — to externalize your internal thinking processes, making them more clear, explicit and actionable. Visual thinking is a vital skill for developing new ideas and designs, communicating those ideas effectively, and collaborating with others to make them real.


    We can capture the meaning of a visual scene in less than 10 seconds.

    We remember 10% of what we read and 80% of what we see.

    The graphic language is a universal language, it allows to connect to any person in the world.

    The images help to better represent mentally complex situations, flowcharts, feelings, hierarchies.






    This Workshop is super suitable for those who are tring to



    l  Solve problems quickly and easily  快速而简单地解决问题

    l  Enhance your creativity and generate better ideas  提高自己的创造力和想出更好的点子

    l  Improve your decision making ability  提高自己的决策能力

    l  Improve the clarity of your thought 提高自己的思维清晰性

    l  Improve your communication skills of key concepts and ideas  提高自己对关键概念/想法的沟通技巧

    l  Enhance your memory, retention and comprehension  提高自己的记忆、留存和理解力

    l  Strengthen your focus and attention  增强自己的注意集中力

    l  Simplify complex ideas  把复杂的想法简单化

    l  Save time and enhance productivity  节约时间和提高生产力

    l  Save money and increase profits  节省成本和提高利润

    l  Boost your levels of intelligence  迅速提升自己的智力水平

    l  Have more fun while working and solving problems  能在工作和处理难题的同时享受乐趣






    嘉宾:Nagore Osa

    Distinguished Guest:Nagore OsaCreativity Director

    No one knows exactly when she picked up her first pencil, but from that moment on she has grown with it. She studied arts for 7 years, but the last 2 years of High School, she needed to decide between following her art studies or starting the International Baccalaureate Diploma degree. She finally took the decision to start the International Baccalaureate, where she got specialized in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. During this 2 years she realized about the difficulties of understanding the complex scientific concepts, and she started visualizing and creating comics about atom unions, physics laws, mathematics theories. Through this illustrations, she was able to deeply understand the concepts and communicate it in a simple way to other people. 

    But it was finally in the University, when she started studying Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation when someone told her that her way of taking notes, analyze and communicate new concept was known as Visual Thinking. She suddenly saw the opportunity to combine her 2 main drivers of life; learning and creating new things. At the age of 17, in her first year of University, she created a company with her classmates, in which she was able to develop different services based on the Visual Thinking. During 3 years, she has been involved in different projects introducing the Visual Thinking un different fields like Education, Technology, Social Economy etc. Last Januray, she founded the second company, Go for Visual with her partner Leire Reparaz. 


    嘉宾:Leire Reparaz

    Distinguished Guest:Leire Reparaz,Strategy Designer

    Leire trained herself in a bachelor’s degree which helped her to develop in the entrepreneurial leadership and innovation fields. For three years, she trained different competences on the business topic where she met (among others) experts from marketing to team management and customer relationship. At the age of 18 she was co-founder of a cooperative company which served to launch several projects in different fields. She was passionate about education and she led a project for more than 50 schools for two years both in Spain and Finland. 

    Being a world citizen, at the age of 20, she became more and more interested in social entrepreneurship as a way of discovering and transforming the world from the roots. After the inspiration and models, she fell in love with in San Francisco, she set up Sharuk (www.sharuk.com), a social startup committed to the right for identity. For one year, they worked in ground registering new birth children and finding their place in the global ecosystem of digital identity. 

    That same year, she moved to Shanghai, were she founded Go for Visual, a visual consulting company specialized in carrying corporate trainings for improving internal communication based on visual thinking. Since then, she has worked for several companies, from international multinationals to small Chinese companies. She is currently earning expertise in team facilitation and team development. She designs tools for enabling team work and improve internal processes towards customer experience, employee satisfaction and process optimization. 



    • 交互式的研讨会,让你真实地体验绘制和原型设计

    • An interactive workshop that gets you drawing and prototyping in real time

    • 通过学习,可以改善原有的固定思维模式,提高工作和学习的效率

    • Through study, we can change your original fixed thinking mode,improve the efficiency of work and study

    • 个性化的互动游戏环节,生动有趣

    • lively and interesting personalized interactive games

    • 全英文教学,浸入式体验,掌握知识技能的同时提高英语能力

    • Teaching in English, immersive experience, mastering knowledge and skills, and improving English ability.

    • 最佳的Social Networking机会,认识更多有趣的朋友

    • The best Social Networking opportunity to meet more interesting friends

    • 轻松的活动氛围、精致茶点

    • Relaxed atmosphere and exquisite refreshments.

    • 每位活动参与者将获得价值50元的精美礼品一份

    • Each participant will receive a ¥50 gift.

    • 所有活动参与者将有机会接受Knowsone直播专访

    • All participants will have opportunity to join Knowsone live broadcast.

    • 连续两次参与Knowsone线下活动的用户,将获得价值800元的Knowsone设计创业海外游学基金一份

    • Users who participates in Knowsone offline activities twice in a row will receive a ¥800 Knowsone Design and Entrepreneurship Abroad Study Fund

    • 值得一提的是,本次活动主办方还特意准备了精美蛋糕、红酒、巧克力茶点,让你在学习之余还能愉悦心情,尽享美味。

    • blob.png









    18:50--19:00  Checking in 现场签到 

    19:00--19:50  Concepts and Practice skills of Visual Thinking 


    19:50--20:00  Break/Snack 休息茶点


    20:00--20:45  Live interaction: Drawing drawing and prototyping in real time



    20:45--21:00  Interactive FAQ  互动答疑


    21:00       The End 活动结束





    屏幕快照 2018-08-01 3.36.40 PM.pngKnowsone Edu是国内首个集设计教育、高科技、创业教育及海外游学为一体的跨学科创新教育平台,Knowsone致力于为青年职场人士、大学生、设计爱好者、创业者提供全方位及专业的成长培训。Knowsone拥有一支遍及美国、澳洲等地的国际化专家顾问团队,Knowsone与纽约Parsons、Google企业家中心等联合推出的设计创业海外游学项目深受职场人士青睐。Knowsone致力于帮助国内职场年轻人、大学生掌握国际领先的设计专业知识和技能,为促进国内年轻人的国际化发展助力。








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    屏幕快照 2018-09-10 6.44.32 PM.png


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