
Ladies Who Tech x International Women's Day Shenzhen Launch

Thu, 18 Mar 2021 18:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 18 Mar 2021 21:00:00 GMT+08


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    Ladies Who Tech深圳分部成立暨国际妇女节庆祝活动

    Ladies Who Tech x International Women's Day Shenzhen Chapter Launch

    继成功在北京、香港、成都及其他城市和地区拓展影响力后,Ladies Who Tech终于来到了深圳!3月18日,一起来参加Ladies Who Tech深圳分部的成立日活动吧!届时我们将探讨女性如何对科技行业做出贡献并带来改变,以庆祝国际妇女节。

    Following successful expansion to Beijing, Hong Kong, Chengdu, and other cities in the region, Ladies Who Tech is finally going to Shenzhen! Join us on March 18 for the Ladies Who Tech Shenzhen launch event, where we explore how women are contributing to and changing the tech industry in honor of International Women’s Day. 


    In just four decades, Shenzhen has grown from a small fishing village to a megacity and economic powerhouse. Home to some of the biggest tech companies in the world, Shenzhen is widely known as China’s “gadget capital”, accounting for over 90% of the world’s electronics manufacturing. But, the city is no longer just a hardware heaven. With a unique combination of wealth, talent, and diversity, Shenzhen is quickly emerging as the Silicon Valley of China - a hub for connecting innovation, software, manufacturing, and knowledge. 


    为了展示深圳科技生态中拥有的多样性,Ladies Who Tech深圳分部成立日活动将深入探讨多个科技领域,包括软件、硬件和初创空间。当日将有三位充满活力的演讲嘉宾莅临分享他们的经历和洞见。并且一如既往,我们会讨论科技行业中的性别多样化和包容性将如何带来创新、持续性和经济价值。

    To showcase a hint of the diversity that the Shenzhen tech scene has to offer, the Ladies Who Tech launch event will dive into a range of different areas in tech - from software to hardware to the startup space. We will be joined by three dynamic speakers who will share their experiences and insights. And as always, we will also discuss how gender diversity and inclusion in the tech industry can bring innovation, sustainability and economic value. 

    本次的成立日活动将会是一个难得的机会,一起来见见志同道合的朋友和Ladies Who Tech深圳团队成员吧!所有性别和专业背景认识都可以参加哦!

    The event will also be a great chance to meet like-minded individuals and the Ladies Who Tech Shenzhen team.  All genders and professional background are welcome!

    嘉宾 Speakers


    董畅  CHANG DONG

    首席技术官CTO  Erthos Inc.

    董畅是加拿大环保技术初创公司Erthos Inc.的首席技术官。董畅来自中国,拥有北京科技大学材料科学学士学位和多伦多大学的化学工程硕士学位。在多伦多完成学业期间,她加入了Erthos,提出了基于科学的创新塑料污染解决方案。毕业后,她作为联合创始人全职加入Erthos,并一直致力于将农业副产品转化为可替代传统塑料的全降解塑料原材料。自2019年从共同创立Erthos以来,该公司已扩展到中国,在深圳建立分公司,筹集了超过七百万美元的启动资金,并在全球范围内开展生产试点。Chang认为科学研究应该服务于社会和大自然,利用科技的力量为社会创造更大的价值促使她继续每天建造Erthos。

    Chang Dong is the Chief Technology Officer of Canadian green technology start-up Erthos Inc. Originally from China, Chang holds a Material Science degree from the University of Science & Technology Beijing, and a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto. 

    During her time completing her education in Toronto, she joined Erthos to come up with science-based solutions to plastic pollution. After graduating, she joined Erthos full-time as a co-founder and has been working towards transforming agricultural by-products into 100% compostable alternatives to traditional plastic inputs. Since co-founding Erthos, the company has expanded into China, setup subsidy based in Shenzhen, raised over 7 million dollars, and launched manufacturing pilots worldwide. Chang’s passion for purposeful science ventures, is what drives her to continue building Erthos every day.


    全球科技品牌Head of Marketing Strategy

    一加手机 OnePlus

    Susie Liu是全球科技品牌OnePlus(一加手机)的营销策略总监。她也是科技博客White Matter的创始人,知名科技媒体Hacker Noon的撰稿人,并经营一家精品品牌咨询公司。

    Susie Liu is the Head of Marketing Strategy at OnePlus, a global consumer tech brand best known for its smartphone products. She is also the founder of bilingual tech blog White Matter, a contributing writer for Hacker Noon, and runs a boutique brand consulting firm.  

    Susie毕业于英国剑桥大学经济系。Susie于2017年离开投行并加入华为,专注提升荣耀品牌海外知名度与影响力。自2019年加入一加以来,Susie协助一加前联合创始人Carl Pei在六个月内推出了一加全新的中端手机产品线OnePlus Nord,主导了全球首个AR产品发布会,目前正与谷歌,Snapchat,Bandai Namco等知名公司合作探索新的科技玩法与体验。

    As an Economics graduate from The University of Cambridge, Susie’s career began in investment banking. In 2017, Susie joined Huawei to help expand the overseas presence of the tech giant’s sub-brand Honor. Upon joining OnePlus in 2019, Susie has helped former co-founder Carl Pei to launch a new OnePlus smartphone line (OnePlus Nord), headed the development of the world’s first AR launch, and is now working closely with global partners like Google, Snapchat, and Bandai Namco to explore ways of using technology to create innovative experiences and products. 


    彭艳霞Grace Peng


    Partner Development Manager, Microsoft One Commercial Partner


    Grace Peng, Partner Development Manager of Microsoft One Commercial Partner team, is mainly responsible for building the Microsoft ecosystem, recruit potential partners with Microsoft technology. She is also the owner of Microsoft's 30-plus 500-person WeChat community, which covers topics such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, global deployment, and smart office. And she is the host of Microsoft's digital marketing program Beauty and the IT Beast, which is sharing Microsoft's latest technology, the success stories working with partners and inspiring customer collaborations.


    Ladies Who Tech x International Women's Day Shenzhen Launch 

    日期Date:  2021-03-18   时间Time: 18:30 – 21:00

    地址:深圳市南山区海天一路软件产业基地4栋B座裙楼一楼 OnePieceWork

    Address:  Block B, Building 4, Software Industry Base, Haitianyi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 

    门票Entry fee: 50元  50 yuan

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    She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.

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