
即将展出 | 金晶 | 过去的未来·地理志

Sat, 25 Feb 2023 17:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 25 Mar 2023 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    过去的未来 · 地理志

    周二至周六 13:30 - 18:00

    Jin Jing
    The Geography of The Past Future 

    Opening:  2 / 25 Saturday at 17:00 
    Duration:  2 / 25  – 3 / 25
    Tuesday to Saturday 13:30 - 18:00

    Chinese European Art Center

    过去的未来· 地理志,局部,陶瓷
    The Geography of The Past Future (part),porcelain,2022

    过去的未来· 地理志,细节图,陶瓷
    The Geography of The Past Future,details,porcelain,2022

    此次展出的《过去的未来· 地理志》是一组以陶瓷为主要材料的雕塑群。我用大陆漂移学说里板块运动的一些基本法则作为框架,将我个人真实的经历与超意识之间的关联进行合成并压缩进去,尝试模拟出的2亿年后的大陆板块所形成的微缩景观。


    作品创作中 Work in process


    过去的未来· 地理志,细节图,陶瓷
    The Geography of The Past Future,details,porcelain,2022


    视频 © 景德镇国际工作室
    Video by Jingdezhen International Studio

    "The Geography of The Past Future" exhibited this time features a group of sculptures with ceramics as the main material. By applying some basic laws of plate movement in the continental drift theory as a framework, I synthesized my personal experience with the connections between super consciousnesses, and incorporated it into my work in an effort to simulate the miniature landscape constituted by the continental plates 200 million years later. 

    过去的未来· 地理志,细节图,陶瓷
    The Geography of The Past Future,details, porcelain,2022

    As part of  “The Past Future"  series, this work was inspired by my hallucinatory experience when hiking in Iceland. Back then, I often traveled between various landforms, including black sand beaches and wilderness permeated with sulphurous fume ... Outside my residence were rolling ridges, where I hiked many times. I remember I was constantly looking for something subconsciously carrying the intuition that I might spot the answer in the next step. Since it was the polar day then, the sun revolved around the mountain peak rather than setting behind it. Each time I looked up as I was hiking in the mountains, I saw the sun hanging in different places of the mountain, staring at me moving on the landscape like an observer, as if gazing at ants crawling in the boundless hills.  

    Blurred Landscape In The Past Future,mixed media,2022

    我知道的并不多于我现在的所知 ,数码摄影
    I Know No More Than What I Know Now,digital photography,2019

    I proceeded with that sight, and it followed me to the depths of my subconscious. Even when I returned to the city, the rounded light spot never dimmed; instead, it often flashed in my mind, drifting and expanding. Mountains and planets emerged from it, swimming crosswise and merging into one... These images and emotions continued to accumulate, giving rise to the occasion to create  "The Past Future" series. Last year I completed "The Blurred Landscape" as part of this series, which explored my experience with the blurred landscapes. In the subsequent creation of “The Geography”, I began to try a more rational framework, that was, the logic of geography, to present the scenes that I had experienced yet were hard to prove, the countless transient things that were perceived via way of reality, as well as the gap intertwined by superconsciousness and reality.  

    The Thing In Water,video installation,2021

    The Good Things Are Prepared For Strangers,mixed media,2019-2021

    Deciding upon ceramics as the media to present my work, I conducted a three-month artist-in-residence program in Jingdezhen International Studio. The unique characteristics of the earthy and organic ceramics and the multiple changes of glaze in the kiln allowed the models in my mind to spontaneously produce the meaning of generation and evolution upon being finished, and finally presenting this series  of "future" geology with magical and legendary temperament .  

    The Lasting Future,mixed media,2018-2022




    作品曾展出于北京今日美术馆,广州红专厂艺术区,荷兰海牙市政厅,欧洲陶瓷艺术中心,荷兰De Appel艺术中心,荷兰W139艺术中心,CEAC中国欧洲艺术中心,鹿特丹AT388画廊,厦门文化艺术中心,荷兰鹿特丹欧华城,美国Selby画廊,厦门中华儿女美术馆,三影堂摄影艺术中心,集美阿尔勒国际摄影季,厦门宝龙艺术中心等国内外艺术展览与机构。
    Jing Jin, born in Huangshi, graduated from Xiamen University and Sandberg Instituut, now works and lives in Xiamen, China. The main issues of her work are about individual life and living conditions in the urban space, as well as our own situation in the “world", and present the experience of being double marginalized in the natural landscape and urban jungle from the perspective of non-human center.

    Her works involve combination of various media, including photography, video, installation and text, which have been exhibited e.g. in Beijing Today Art Museum, RedtoryArt+Design Factory, Hague City Hall, European Ceramic Work Centre(ECWC), De Appel Art Center, W139 Art Center, Chinese European Art Center (CEAC), European China Center Rotterdam(ECCR), American Selby Art Gallery, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Jimei·Arles international Photo Festival, Xiamen Powerlong Art Center and other domestic and international art exhibitions and institutions.



    The Chinese European Art Center (CEAC) was founded by Mrs. Ineke Gudmundsson from the Netherlands and Professor Qin Jian from Xiamen Univeristy Art College in 1999. As non-profit multi-disciplinary art center, CEAC hosts one of the first and longest running Artist-in-Residence programs in China open to visual artists, architects, designers, curators, composers and writers from around the world. CEAC’s events calendar features regular exhibitions showcasing invited and resident artists along with a supplementary program including lectures, workshops, concerts and outdoor film screenings.

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