
【周日】【情人节特别活动】这个情人节,红酒配玫瑰,遇见未知的TA | PET Bilingual Speed Dat...

Sun, 19 Feb 2023 15:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 19 Feb 2023 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    重要提示:PET Bilingual Speed Dating help you meet high-quality friends of the different gender efficiently, which can enrich your social life and expand your network. Maybe your NEXT will be here for you.
    Introduction / 内容介绍
    你有多久没有被TA认真倾听过了? 聊天时,总是无法与TA找到相同的频段
    真实的被看见,被听到, 哪怕只是第一次见面,也会让人怦然心动 开始感到亲密的第一步是放松下来, 去倾听自己和他人
    连接真实的内心感受, 放下固化的思维去交流, 体验连接感,有时甚至可以袒露脆弱...
    这次不仅是一场约会, 做真实的自己,也遇见真实的TA 觉察自己,感受他人, 体验真实的连接感
    又要到情人节了 期待一次美丽的邂逅 2022从这个春天 开始约会吧。
    Bilingual Speed Dating 双语闪电约会
    In metropolis, Speed Dating is the fun and efficient way to meet people of the different gender for busy singles.
    在大都市中,对于平时工作繁忙的单身人士 闪电约会是一种有趣又有效的结识异性的好方式
    Not only is it a way to build romantic relationships, it can also help you expand network, get to know more people and enrich your social life
    这种方式不仅可以建立恋爱关系, 还能帮助自己拓展人脉,了解异性,丰富社交生活
    This is the most professional, high-scale and sincere bilingual speed dating in Beijing. We will help you use shortest time to know high-quality friends of opposite gender. Maybe you'll meet your Mr/Mrs Right...
    帝都最专业,最高素质,最国际化,最走心... 的双语闪电约会! 用最短的时间让你认识 高质量的异性朋友 或许你的下一任就在这里...
    Here, we have graceful environment, melodious music, tasty drink, amazing people and ingenious processes.
    这里准备了 优雅的环境,动人的音乐, 可口的饮品,漂亮的人儿, 与精心设计的流程。
    We also have interesting and well-designed ice-breaking topics. Let’s talk our life, dreams, and Neverland.
    这里准备了 走心,不走肾的破冰话题, 让我们一起聊聊 人生与理想,谈谈诗和远方。
    Our prepared wine and music will make you feel comfort and happy. The environment will help break ice quickly and communicate more smoothly.
    这里准备了 红酒与音乐,感受快乐但不紧张 双语沟通,打破国界,让交流更通畅
    We believe you will meet your Next here, why are you still hesitating?
    聊了那么多,总有一两位看顺眼了, 聊开心了,或许你的要找那个人就是TA 那... 你还犹豫什么呢?
    Any compulsory way to ask others’ cellphone numbers will be prohibited. Time should be given only to the right person
    本次活动,拒绝任何非自愿式的被索取电话, 你的时间只给对的人!
    For us, some are strangers, some are friends, and some are the right ones.
    有些人适合做朋友,有些人适合做恋人, 有些人可能是真名天女或天子, 而还有些人更适合路人甲与乙...
    Requirements 报名条件
    All candidates should register your real name (we will verify at the venue). We target people who study abroad; have acquired master or doctor degree; and are working in Fortune 500 companies or well-known Internet companies. The people who are engaging in finance industry or working in state-owned enterprise; entrepreneurs; professionals (such as lawyer, doctor, university’s lecturer, engineer, architect and so forth) are preferred.
    Dress Code 着装要求
    Impressive high-heels and decent suits will lead to a gorgeous beginning. So, how about our dress code? Ladies: a decent, beautiful dress with high heels will help you attract attentions of all gentlemen. Gentlemen: smart and handsome suits. Warning: the person without decent appearance will be banned to enter into the venue.
    性感的高跟鞋,帅气的休闲装,注定是一个美好的开始,你会如何着装呢? 女士:得体,漂亮; 男士:休闲,帅气; 注意:着装不雅者禁止入场

    Host / 主持人
    alex / PET Founder
    I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.

    Schedule / 流程安排
    Check In and Introduction
    Ice-breaking games
    One on One

    Attention / 注意事项
    Drinks and snacks will be served
    20 - 30 people, control the ratio of ladies and gentlemen
    Age range: born after 1985
    Sign in 15 minutes early and be sure not to be late
    Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30
    The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number
    If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.
    Event / 活动信息
    Time / 时间
    2023/02/19 Sun 15:00 - 18:00
    2023/02/19 周日 15:00点 - 18:00点
    Number / 人数
    30 people around
    Fee / 费用
    119¥, Early Bird
    119元, 早票
    139¥, General Ticket
    139元, 普通票
    219¥, Twin Ticket
    219元, 双人票
    149¥, At Door
    149元, 空降
    Register after screening
    Address / 地址
    No.12 Guanghua road, Chaoyang district, address notified after registration
    朝阳区光华路丙12号数码01大厦, 具体地址报名后通知
    Contact / 联系主办方
    PostEnglishTime, Speak English, make friends, be interested in people and connect the world
    PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking international youth in Beijing. We organize various social activities and provide various community services. Our mission is to build a high-quality community of locals or expats who are interested in culture, language, technology, and humanities.

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