
上海|SHE REWIRES 社群品牌线下发布暨圣诞庆祝活动

2023年12月21日 19:00 ~ 2023年12月21日 21:00



    上海|SHE REWIRES社群品牌线下发布活动暨圣诞庆祝活动

    SHE REWIRES Community Brand Launch Party & Christmas Mixer

    SHE REWIRES社群品牌线下发布活动暨圣诞庆祝活动将于1221日在墨尔本学习中心举办。这不仅是一个庆祝SHE REWIRES社群品牌发布的活动,更是一个致力于培育女性在STEAM领域成长和可持续发展的共创社群3.0的新篇章。通过激发灵感、包容行动、实战经验和社区链接,我们正在重新塑造叙事和推动STEAM女性迈向无限成长的未来!

    SHE REWIRES Community Brand Launch Party & Christmas Mixer is set to take place on December 21st at the Study Melbourne Hub Shanghai. This event not only marks the celebration of the SHE REWIRES community brand launch but also signifies a commitment to fostering the growth and sustainable development of women in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) field through building a new chapter of collaborative community 3.0. 


    By inspiring creativity, fostering inclusive actions, providing hands-on experience, and creating community connections, we are reshaping narratives and propelling female participation in STEAM towards an infinite future of growth!


    SHE REWIRES一同踏上这趟旅程,探索我们共建的愿景,了解我们的历程,并深入了解SHE REWIRESSTEAM领域推动的变革性项目。让我们共同庆祝进步、创新以及那些正在重新定义STEAM领域的不可思议的女性。


    Embark on this journey with SHE REWIRES, explore our co-building vision, learn about our journey, and dive into the transformative projects that SHE REWIRES is driving in the STEAM domain. Let's celebrate progress, innovation, and the incredible women who are redefining the landscape of the STEAM field together.


    本次活动由留学墨尔本上海中心和SHE REWIRES联合举办,作为澳大利亚最受国际学生欢迎的城市,墨尔本一直处于STEAM教育的前沿。活动中,留学墨尔本代表也将会分享他们如何一直以来支持STEAM教育以及在女性赋能方面的努力。此外,本次活动也有幸邀请到了澳大利亚独角兽公司可画中国企业事业部负责人来分享可画的故事,以及他们对科技和设计如何赋能社群的独特见解。同时现场将展示音乐和科技共创项目来赋能想象力,更有DJ现场助兴和LIVE表演,及神秘圣诞礼物等着你来赢取!

    This event is jointly organized by the Melbourne Study Center and SHE REWIRES. As Australia's most popular city among international students, Melbourne has always been at the forefront of STEAM education. During the event, representatives from the Melbourne Study Center will also share how they have been supporting STEAM education and their efforts in empowering women. 

    Additionally, we are also honored to have the Eta Yu, Head of the Enterprise in China at Canva to share their unique insights into how technology and design empower communities. The event will also showcase music and technology co-building projects . There will also be a DJ for entertainment, live performances, and exciting Christmas gifts waiting for you to win! 

    1221日与留学墨尔本上海中心和She Rewires一同踏上这趟旅程吧,一起探索我们的愿景,了解我们的历程,并深入了解She RewiresSTEAM领域推动的变革性项目。

    On December 21st, join the Melbourne Study Center and She Rewires on this journey to explore our shared vision, the journey, and dive into the transformative co-building projects that She Rewires is driving in the STEAM field.

    于颖, Eta Yu


     Head of Enterprise, Canva



    Eta Yu joined Canva in 2020 and currently serves as Head of Enterprise. She graduated from Sun Yat-sen University and IESE Business School, with years of deep involvement in the retail technology industry. Eta has a focus on digitization, strategic implementation, and sales and marketing management. In her current role, she leads the team in exploring new opportunities in digital creativity and is spearheading the first-time implementation of the PLG model at Canva.

    Jung 投入了他成年生活中相当大一部分的时间在音乐、派对以及它们带来的有趣联中。作为三个女儿的父亲,他坚信教育是通向更美好世界的关键,并将音乐视为一种能够团结人们的神奇力量。他是上海一家长期经营的地下舞厅 Elevator 的联合创始人,并涉足数字领域,成立了一家广告与媒体公司。Jung 还将自己的专业知识投入到协助初创公司和跨国公司在中国消费市场中导航。拥有墨尔本商学院的工商管理硕士学位以及在亚太地区数据库营销领域度过的八年时间,他对技术对我们生活的积极影响充满热情。

    Jung has devoted a good chunk of his adult life to music, parties, and the intriguing connections they bring. As a father of three girls, he strongly believes in education as a key to a better world and sees music as a magical force that unites people. He co-founded Elevator, a long running underground dance club in Shanghai, and ventured into the digital realm with an ad & media agency. Jung also channels his expertise into assisting startups and multinational corporations in navigating the Chinese consumer landscape. With an MBA from the Melbourne Business School and eight years spent in regional database marketing across APAC, he is fervent about the positive impact technology can have on our lives.

    唐文洁,Jill Tang  

    SHE REWIRES创始人&社区共建者

    SHE REWIRES Founder& Community Co-builder

    唐文洁是一位社会企业创业者、社群打造者和 思想领袖。

    唐文洁是科技女性社群SHE REWIRES的创始人和社群共建者,其使命是通过行动为所有人转变现状 和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它是一家链接 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的 社会创新初创企业。Jill也是2023妇女地位委员会第六十七届会议的实质性筹备工作联合国妇女问题专家组成员并提供专家意见。

    唐文洁拥有拉伯大学的商科学士学位、蒙纳什大学的应用金融硕士学位及墨尔本商学院的工商 管理硕士。2019 年她完成了 INSEAD 性别平等项目的证书并在 2023 年在哈佛商学院完成了社会企 业和非营利高管证书。

    Jill Tang is a social entrepreneur and community builder and thought leader.

    Jill is the Founder and Community Co-Builder at SHE REWIRES ,a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) and reshape the future of STEAM for ALL. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated co-builders around the globe. Jill was also in the expert group for UN-Women to inform the substantive preparations for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).

    She holds Bachelor of Commerce from Latrobe University, Master of Applied Finance from Monash University and MBA from Melbourne Business School. Jill also completed her Gender Equality Program Certification at INSEAD in 2019 and Executive Certificate for Special Management for Non-Profit at Harvard Business School in 2023. 


    Limited seats! Seize this opportunity to be a part of a groundbreaking celebration! Let's empower, inspire, and co-building a future where STEAM women thrive. See you at the party!

    To register, scan the QR code or click “Read More”.


    All genders and professions are welcome!  

    留学墨尔本上海中心是维多利亚州政府设立在中国上海的线下学习与活动空间,是维多利亚州政府在主要国际市场的国际教育计划的一部分。中心致力于更好地服务中国留学生。通过定期举办各类活动, 鼓励正在就读、已经毕业和对维留学感兴趣的学生参与其中,让中心成为独特的维多利亚教育体验的一部分。

    The Study Melbourne Hub Shanghai is a Victorian Government initiative that supports offshore international students (current, future and alumni) studying or looking to study with a Victorian education provider. The Hub provides a welcoming space for students to study, network, and participate in events. This makes the Hub a unique part of the Victorian educational experience.




    Jill Tang




    Jung Goh




    于颖 Eta Yu

    企业事业部负责人Head of Enterprise





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    She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.


